Weapons, armors, dresses

The company, propose the period and the historical stories of the city among 1287-1307 related to Pietro from Bologna and the period among 1380-1410 characterized from the economic recovery and to the return to a form of city state.

The company armors are composed by reproductions of original pieces kept in museums or collections. We start from a poor armor made of a "gambeson" (a shirt padded with horse hair or layers of cloth to protect the chest) and a hauberk, to armors that characterize more specifically our period as the coat of plates used in the battle of Wisby and composite cuirasses covered with cloth as the one exposed in the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

There are than armors, entirely made of iron, that were intended for captains and nobles due to their high cost. An example of these is the armor of the Castle Coira Collection (Sluderno, Churburg) and better known as "Churburg plates", dated 1360-1380: a real sample of the ability of the medieval blacksmiths from Milano.

Gallery of armors
Click on the image to see the gallery

The knight's dressing

Click on the image to see the gallery

Gallery of dresses

Click on the image to see the gallery

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© Massimiliano Lo Cicero
Associazione Culturale Compagnia d'arme delle 13 porte -
Cel 320.6982349 - info@compagnia13porte.com
Via Cleto Tomba 16 - 40127 Bologna - CF: 91365210375 - Affiliata